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Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy - "Gravity Flow Closed System"

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestines without the use of drugs. By introducing filtered & temperature, regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural colon movement.

Colon Hydrotherapy may help reduce the risk of bowel disease, enabling better absorption of nutrients and lead to improved health for a feeling of well-being and enhanced energy.​

How a Colon Hydrotherapy is administered ?

The client will lie on there left s​ide on the therapy table 18" below the temperature-controlled input tank. A sterilized speculum is gently inserted into the rectum two inches. Water flow, which is always under the direct control of the therapist, flows into the colon via a small water tube & expelled through evacuation tube carrying impacted feces, toxins, mucous and gas. As the water flows out of the colon, the therapist gently massages the abdomen to help the colon release it contents. It is possible to see this expelled waste matter when it passes through viewing window in the evacuation tube. Clients are covered & modesty is given top priority during this short session.

Colon Health Affects Your Health

The colon is connected to the body through reflexes, as well as the feet, hands and ears. A clean colon promotes healthy organ too!

The reason you may need more than 1 session

This depends on the individual and advice will be given at the end of the first consultation.

Often the waste is so hard & well lodged in the colon that it may take a series of sessions to soften & loosen this accumulation of fecal matter. This is why a series of sessions necessary and advisable. Colon Hydrotherapy is most effective when employed in combination with exercise, water & proper diet of non-mucous producing foods.

If you have never had a colon Hydrotherapy session before, or if it has been a long time since you last had one, you will get the most out of it by doing a series of 3 or 4 in a one week to a 10 day period time. Depending on your individual situation and health goals, you may need more sessions. For example if you are trying to lose a substantial amount of weight you will want to do 10-12 sessions over 5 or 6 weeks (coming 2x a week). You will want to space the initial 3 sessions 1-5 days apart. The goal is to clean the whole colon. It is rare that this is achieved in a single session. On the first session, sometimes a lot of waste material comes out and sometimes not much at all. It just depends on several factors including your ability to relax, the condition of your health and colon, your diet and water intake to name a few. It is approximately 5.5 feet in length in most people.

Diseased Colon and Results

Today we are exposed to more stress, lack of sleep, chemicals, drugs and food additives. The removal of these toxins are essential to a healthy body function; a strong immune system able to fight and eliminate disease. Your colon may be burdened with putrefying food, bacteria, viruses, indigestible foods and encrusted pockets of germinated waste. The evacuation of stool once a day can result in the re-absorption of 85% of bowel toxins. If this happens, the colon may become saturated with harmful toxins, which leads to a process called "auto intoxication". This means that toxic substances can be transported into the bloodstream where the lymphatic, circulatory system, lungs and kidneys can become overburdened. When the body systems are unable to cope with the toxic overload, the body is exposed to serious health risks.

Constipation and the Effects:

The bodies tissues and glands are effected by

auto intoxication (self poisoning)

The chart below illustrates effects on the body

and impact on our well-being.

Poisons backed up into:

Nervous System 







Effects on the Body:

Irritable, Depressed



Bloated, Nausea

Foul Breath

Cold Hands and Feet

Wrinkled, Dark circles (eyes)

Constipation is one of the first signs indicating that your bowel is not functioning properly. When a person is constipated, the walls of the colon are crusted with accumulated fecal matter. The inner diameter of the colon is reduced like a water pipe blocked by mineral deposits and eventually the opening becomes more narrow. Since the encrusted feces line the colon walls, the colon is unable to absorb nutrients from our food in the last stage of the digestive process. The body reacts to this constricted bowel, by stepping up the frequency of the peristalsis wave action, to allow the waste to exit the body. Taken to its limit, the effects can cause diarrhea.

Several bowel movements a day can still result in constipation. The bowel movements are usually smaller and occur more often, because the diameter of the colon is smaller than it should be. 


The bottom line is that the following foods are the highest top ten on the list for 'stopping you up'.

Meat (Especially Beef and Pork) - Slows down the digestive process terribly and consistently

Potatoes (All Kinds) - Too much starch

Cheeses (All Kinds) - Huge culprit

Fast Food (Hamburgers, Fries, Stuff like that) - Little nutrition, hard to help make the body work properly

Breads - Huge Culprit

Pasta - Huge Culprit

Corn - Too much starch

Pizza - Too much cheese

Milk - Too much mucus and solidifies inside the body

Heavy Sugar Products (Pies, Cakes, Cookies, etc) - Bogs down the system and creates really low energy, in the long term, not to mention weight problems The bottom line is that the following foods are the highest top ten on the list for 'stopping you up'.

Preparation before your session:

Eat as many water content foods as possible prior to your colon hydrotherapy session. Examples: raw & cooked green leafy vegetables, raw vegetables drinks, whole grains and fruits. This will start moistening up the colon for better elimination.Try to cut down on all processed foods. Examples: White flour products, cheese, dried foods, greasy foods and sugar. These foods dehydrate the colon and make elimination tougher.You will need to not eat 2 hours prior or drink anything 1 hour prior to your colonics. Due to massaging the stomach during the colonics.Stay away from gas-forming foods, carbonated drinks the day before your appointment . **Gas can hinder a good release during your colonics**Increase your liquid intake ( water - herbal tea - juices ) this will help the elimination process. A dehydrated colon will not release the fecal matter. You haft to remember when you are dehydrated the first place your body takes liquid from is yourcolon. This will hinder the colonic session.

Post - Colon Hydrotherapy Session

Avoid the same gas - forming foods for 2 days after your session

so you will not hinder bowl elimination

Eat plenty of salads with olive oil or coconut oil, vegetables.

Eat fruits by themselves

Increase your water intake to help the toxins release better through your bowel movements and urination.

Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy:

Colon Hydrotherapy has been shown to be beneficial for the following: These indications do NOT require a prescription from a licensed physician.

Acute Fecal Impaction 




Parasitic Infections Prevention

Atonic Colon (slow) 

Abdominal Distension/Flatulence 

Intestinal Toxemia 





Weight Gain

Low mood, anxiety,depression

Mucous Colitis

Fever Therapy

Fowl smelling Gas



Preparation for surgery



Sinus Issues



Bad Breath



Contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy:

A Contraindication is when the  Colon Hydrotherapist  will  NOT  proceed with the colon hydrotherapy session unless you have a prescription  by a licensed doctor

 Congestive Heart Failure 

Cancer of the Rectum or Colon

Severe Hemorrhoids 

Renal Insufficiency 

Abdominal Surgery 




First - Third Trimester of Pregnancy 

Uncontrolled Blood Pressure

Intestinal Perforation

Fissures or Fistula

Abdominal Hernia

Recent Colon or Rectal Surgery

Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn's Disease

Severe Anemia

Severe Bleeding of the hemorrhoids

GI Hemorrhage/ perforation 

Kidney Disease(decreased kidney function)

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding contraindications and colon hydrotherapy.

Disclaimer: Colon Hydrotherapy therapies are solely for prevention and colon cleansing and detoxification and are in no way a substitute for traditional, allopathic medical care. If you have severe symptoms of any serious disorders, it is your responsibility to seek the attention of a health care professional.

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